What to Do When You Crash Your Car

It’s not always pleasant to consider something as horrible as a car accident but the reality is we spend a lot of time on busy roads. The high risk of being involved in a car accident requires you to know your rights and where to get help if needed.


According to the page: semi truck accident lawyer, different rules apply when you’re involved in a car crash involving a commercial truck compared to when it involves an ordinary passenger car. The losses and injuries are usually worse and trucking companies will try and redirect responsibility to avoid compensating you.

For more tips on how to navigate these complicated situations, keep reading.

Step One: Call for Help

It’s illegal to leave the scene of an accident. As soon as it’s safe to do, stop your vehicle and check if you’re able to get out of the car. If you haven’t suffered any major injuries check if your passengers (if any) are okay. Walk over to the other vehicle and check if those occupants need urgent medical assistance.

Even if no major injuries have been suffered on either side, you should still call the police to report the accident and wait for them to come to the accident scene.

Step Two: Don’t Admit Responsibility

Even if you were at fault don’t admit responsibility. You have a contract with your insurance company and most likely your contract states that you shouldn’t assume any responsibility. They’ll do the talking on your behalf and take care of the claim.

Step Three: Gather the Facts

Being involved in a car accident is stressful but it’s important to still get all the facts at the scene of the accident. Make sure you collect these important details from the other driver:

  • Get the full names and details of the driver
  • Get the phone numbers of everyone involved in the car accident
  • Take down the license plate and description of the other vehicle
  • Make sure you get their insurance company’s details and the identification of the vehicle

Final Checklist to File a Claim

Before leaving the scene make sure you’ve done this final checklist in order to file a claim with your insurance company:

  • A detailed description of what happened
  • Contacts details and all information relevant to the other driver


Car accidents are no fun at all. We all want to avoid it but every day there is an inherent risk that you may become part of the road accident statistics. Whether it was a silly mistake that caused the accident or something beyond your control, it can happen to the best of us.

But what IS in your control is how you react to the car accident. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the legal implications as well as the procedure to follow after a car crash is important. You’ll be calmer on the scene and there will be fewer problems with your claim.

Let us know if you’ve been involved in a car accident before and what helped you get fast solutions.

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