The Most Important Safety Device Drivers Don’t Know They Need

There are many driver assistance systems on cars today. Some are well-known, such as automatic braking and lane correction. There’s one lesser-known system that all drivers should be asking for. You’ll find it on many luxury car menus, and it is available or standard on at least one affordable brand’s line-up. It’s called traffic sign recognition, and this simple yet effective tool can spare you a lot of grief.


How It Works

To be clear, traffic sign recognition won’t read you every road sign. It focuses on the most important. These include the speed limit signs and ‘no passing’ signs. This technology works through the use of a camera that activates when the car is driving forward. 

Honda has put this tech on its menu for several years now, giving regular buyers the chance to get something that is mostly a luxury item. You can look for this feature on the 2021 Honda CR-V or Accord.

When the car camera detects specific signs, the information shows up in the instrument screen. On vehicles with a Head Up system, the speed limit will show up there as well. 

Why Its Helpful

Even when driving on familiar roads, drivers don’t always notice when the speed limit goes down. Traffic sign recognition makes it more likely that drivers will realize the change and decrease their speed.

This safety system functions as a wake-up call for the distracted, the dreamy, and the downright tired who aren’t as alert as they should be. It helps out drivers in unfamiliar territory where speed limits are unknown to them. 

Of course, most lower speed limits are designed specifically to create safer conditions in crowded or complicated roadways. So, when more cars obey the limits, there should be fewer collisions. Obviously it would be helpful if every car had traffic sign recognition, but that simply hasn’t happened yet.

Adding an Automatic Response

Honda definitely has identified a way to make it more useful. They have added an Intelligent Speed Limiter. A typical new Honda in European markets already has the Adjustable Speed Limiter. This allows the driver to set limits on their maximum speed. 

If the Intelligent Speed Limiter is on, an equipped Honda will reduce its speed when the traffic sign recognition system notifies the driver of a lower speed limit. It does not slam on brakes as it would in an emergency situation. Instead this is done slowly and gently, achieving the new speed limit in as natural a way as possible. 

When the speed limit goes up, the car can accelerate to match. Drivers can even turn it off if they don’t like its restraints.

Mercedes-Benz has a different slant that has nothing to do with safety. There’s a button you can push when the speed limit goes up, telling your adaptive cruise control it can speed up to the new maximum.

Where Can You Find Traffic Sign Recognition

If you are willing to pay the hefty fee for a luxury ride, you will find the traffic sign system on certain Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi vehicles. Be aware, however, that this system isn’t a standard yet, which means you’ll have to step up to a higher trim level. Only one luxury brand, Volvo, has made it standard on its line-up.

As previously mentioned, the system is available on certain Honda models. That’s the most affordable way to get traffic sign recognition on your new car.

Safety systems must always come with a caveat. Traffic sign recognition and the Intelligent Speed Limiter, when offered, must be a backup to the driver’s own initiative. After all, this isn’t automated driving, just a step in that direction.

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